Saturday, May 14, 2005


Following some thoughts on reincarnation, I ve had several emails from
individuals requesting for my limited understanding of Dhyan. Before I
share some of my thoughts, I would like to set a context within which my
understanding makes sense to me.

There are three centers from which all your actions come: the head, the
heart, and the being. The head is the most superficial. It has to think
about things -- even if you fall in love the head thinks about it, am I
really in love? And if it decides that yes, it seems you are in love,
the head is going to propose to the woman, "I think I am in love with

But thinking is base. Man functions from the head. It has its utilities
-- it has created all the sciences, and all the technologies, and all
the nuclear bombs, aggression etc.

The woman generally functions from the heart, by woman, this also could
mean the female energy, the ying etc. She cannot say, "I think I love
you." It has never been heard in the whole history of humanity. She
simply says, "I love you." Thinking plays no part. The heart is enough
unto itself; it does not need any help from the head.

If one has to choose between the head and the heart, one should choose
the heart, because all the beautiful values of life belong to the heart.
The head is a good mechanic, technician, but you cannot live your life
joy just by being a mechanic, a technician, a scientist. The head has no
qualities, capacities for joy, for blissfulness, for silence, for
innocence, for beauty, for love, for all that makes the life rich -- it
is the heart. Therefore, when considers meditation and that its to do
with the head, our starting point may become contaminated.

First drop from your head to your heart. But don't stop there; it is
only an overnight stay, a temporary abode. You can have a little rest
there, but it is not the goal. Drop from the heart into the being.

And this is the secret of meditation, that wherever you are -- in the
head, in the heart -- it doesn't matter, meditation brings you from the
head, from the heart, to the being. Meditation is the way to your own
center of existence, where there is no question of getting stuck, no
question about getting caught in your thoughts. This takes a little
practice, but in a relatively short time, one can get to witness

And there are 108 or so techniques for meditation, to start the process.
The easiest is based on breath and is what is proscribed according to
Sikhi. It starts with the "act" of doing... One is focusing on their
breath in, their breath out.. It's a doing... And as our minds wander,
we will "catch" our minds wandering...chasing thoughts, passing
judgements to these thoughts etc.. Thought are like a horse and our
attention becomes the rider. After a little practice its possible to
cultivate a sense of mental focus. This then drops into a state of
being... Being in the present moment. This takes some effort and
re-conditioning of our minds. I know this may not be the done thing, but
I would like to share an understanding of Mool Mantar from a view point
of meditation.

Ek - this very moment
Oong Kar - Being created, sustained, and destroyed, yet all within the
Sat nam - The Truth of NOW, This Moment existing, This moment being the
Kartha Purkh - That Creator that is in its creation. Therefore, being in
the experience of NOW, will allow you to witness/experience/glimpse Nam
Nirbhau - With out fear, since fear needs either a future or past. In
the present moment, who can be feared, what is there not to know. All
that is known is NOW, therefore no fear.
Nirvar - hate needs a reference point, a point in the past. If one is in
the now how can hate be experienced?
Akaal Murth - Akaal, Without Time, outside time. The Now can not be
subject of this time dimension. Murth its form
Ajuni - Without Birth, Death or Rebirth. The now is always eternal
Siabangh - That which is created from itself.

Simran... The act of rememberance, an act of doing , an act of the head,
in time drops to a state of being. Your very fabric is dyed with the
reminder/ remembrance of the divine.

There are two methods of Dyhan, within, and without. Within is based on
meditaion. Wthout is based on Sewa, selfless service.

The closest state for meditation is being in love.Iove is the closest
phenomenon to meditation. The moment you fall in love with someone, what
actually happens? What transpires between those two who have fallen in
love with each other? They drop their egos -- at least for each other.
They drop their hypocrisies, their masks. They want to be together,
almost one soul within two bodies. That's the desire of love. When your
whole being is in remembrance of the beloved.

And this is a beautiful moment to change it into a meditation. Just
nobody has ever told them. In fact, just the opposite has been told to
them. The sad fact is that many of us are replacing the Mysticism of
Sikhi, the Bhagti Movement, the Love Devotion with a superficial mental
and physical Sikhi. The heart appears to be less important in todays

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